August 23 2021 – admin

Sibeiho Boomz Sambal Ram-don Hack
This was Sibeiho staff lunch for three of us!
2 pkgs Jjajangmen (we used Paldo noodle)
8 oz Steak, cubed
1/4 cup Kimchi
3 tsp Sibeiho Boomz Sambal
1/2 Cucumber, peeled and cut into 1/4 inch sticks
3/4 cup Corn, fresh or canned
Perilla Leaves, for garnish
Sesame Seeds, for garnish
1 - In 3 serving bowls, add 1/4 cup corn and 1 tsp of Sibeiho Boomz Sambal into each bowl. Wash and dry the perilla leaves and noodles as this comes together quickly.
2 - Cook the cubed steak to desired doneness and set aside.
3 - In boiling water, cook noodles & move around to separate them. Refer to package directions for ideal cooking time. When almost done, reserve 1-1/2 cups of cooking liquid. Quickly drain the noodles and return to the pot. Stir in the sauce packets until the noodles are coated, use the cooking liquid to loosen them up.
4 - Portion the noodles into the serving bowls. Thoroughly mix the noodles, corn and Sambal. Top with cucumbers, kimchi, perilla leaves, cubed steak and sesame seeds.

Tagged: Sibeiho Kitchen Hacks, Sibeiho Sambal